How to Test A Dryer Fuse

If your dryer runs but does not heat your high limit thermal fuse may have blown. This fuse is responsible for making sure the heating element does not go over a certain temperature. Fuse temperature ratings can range from 300 to 350 degrees. Once this fuse is blown it will have to be replaced. 

What You Need

All you need is a multi meter that can read continuity and or resistance. Most multi meters will have this feature and can be inexpensive. You can find one at your local hardware store or you can order a multi meter using the link. 

How to Test a Fuse With a Multi Meter

Step 1: Set the multi meter to continuity and or resistance.

Step 2: Touch each end of the leads to each of the fuse terminals. If you get a reading of 0 or a beeping sound then the fuse is good. Otherwise it is bad and will need to be replaced.

How to Test a Fuse Without a Multi Meter

It is not recommended to try this method unless you are comfortable. Otherwise, you will want to contact a certified repair technician.  *You should never leave the dryer fuse bypassed. It is an important device that is meant to prevent the dryer from over heating and prevent fires

Step 1: Unplug the dryer

Step 2: Unplug the the wires to the thermal fuse

Step 3: Use a wire nut or electrical tape to connect the two fuses directly together. 

Step 4: Plug the dryer back in.

Step 5: Turn the dryer on, but not for to long. If the dryer begins to heat then you know the fuse is bad. If the dryer still not heat the the fuse is good. Do not leave the dryer on for to long.

*You should never leave the dryer fuse bypassed. It is an important device that is meant to prevent the dryer from over heating and prevent fires. 

Reasons why your thermal fuse broke or keeps breaking

Thermal fuses are meant to protect your dryer from overheating and damaging your dryer or even worst starting a fire. The following list are things you will want to check so your fuse does not break again.

  • Clogged Vents You will want to clean out the vents inside the dryer, the ventilation tubing behind the dryer, and the vents running through your house.This is the main reason why fuses brake. Your dryer need good ventilation in order to dry cloths properly and maintain the proper temperature.
  • Crushed Ventilation When sliding your dryer back into place make sure the ventilation that connects from the dryer to the wall is not kinked. This is especially important if you are using flexible tubing. You want the tube to be as straight and direct to the wall as possible.
  • Thermostat Failure There are two thermostats: the cycling thermostat located near the thermal fuse on the blower enclosure, and the thermostat located on the heating element. Although not as common to brake it is possible it is faulty. If not functioning correctly the heating element will not turn off and the dryer will over heat.
  • Grounded Heating Element If the coils on your electric dryer heating element are touching the cover or any other metal then your dryer heating element is grounded. This will cause your heating element to overheat very quick and will either need to be replaced or bent back into the correct position. The coils should only be touching the porcelain holders on the element.
Sep 30th 2019

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